Today in 390FE (406ci) for #50, built by Tom Lucas at FE Specialties., in this post, BobbyFord asked what was in a box nearby #50 entitled, "Rob's Baby Stuff."
Due to my overabundance of energy and a desire to express the humor of taking Bobby quite literally, here's what's in the box. Note that any of these photos may be clicked upon to yield much larger, higher definition versions.
I didn't remember what was in this box, so this was just as much of an adventure for me as it will be for you!
Here's a brown, plastic photo album that fit the print size that I ordered back then. The photo showing through its oval was taken during my one childhood vacation, on the way to DisneyLand. It's the California coast somewhere along Highway 1 (left). The photo on the right shows the sun shining through some redwood trees on the rural lot where I grew up, in the Santa Cruz Mountains.
Now here's a nostalgic photo! In the foreground's our family dog from my childhood, Roger. He was a Jack Russel Terrier who "ruled the roost." In the background's my father's 1963 F250 flatbed. It has a 292 Y-Block, three speed on the column, and unusual highway gears in the rear end; its minimum forward speed in first gear seemed like 10 MPH! He still owns it but it had both rust and rat issues last I saw it.
Here's my horse, my shoes, and my cape. The shoes would be a little tight on my feet today, but I could still wear a cape, although it would look like a napkin on my back! The letters on the cape stand for, "Super Rob Roy."
A very classic portrait from approximately the third grade, taken at Gateway Elementary School, in the "Social Hall."
And here's my birth certificate! On Tuesday, September 25th, 1979 at 2:20PM I arrived, although I didn't know about Bumpsides until 16 or 17 years later.