I screwed up..
Upon replacing the gasket in the rear output bearing retainer of a Dana 21 T-Case I broke a portion of the outer bolt ring when I tried to separate it from the case.
Anyone know where to find this part? I searched online for a few hours now, sent a few emails out but nothing really solid.
Can a Dana20 bearing retainer bolt on?
Help?? as I really do not want to buy a new Transfer case.
thanks all..
Last edited by Idaho68 on Tue Jun 30, 2015 12:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
If you decide to look for another T case a divorced Ford np205 is a bolt in swap, stronger case and easier to find
Edit: when I was at the point you are I found it was most cost effective to buy a parts truck as I had been wanting to upgrade to a D44 disc front,I bought a '76 and got the 205 and d44 disc, proportioning valve/master cyl. and booster and after parting out the rest I was out only ~$100.00
"Beauty is only skin deep....Ugly is to the bone"
It is more important to understand what you don't know than what you do know,because then you can start to learn..???
"you must deal with the attaboys and the ass chewing s with your head up and looking them in the eyes" T.J.E. aka My Dad
There are only three types of people wolves, sheepdogs, and sheep. What are you?